Thursday, September 15, 2016


Camp McDowell Reminders
  • We are approaching our big trip!  We will leave on Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m.  Your children can ride the bus, but you will need to bring their luggage here to school.  There is NOT room on the bus for the luggage of the fifth graders.  All luggage will be placed in front of your child’s locker.  Students do not need to arrive before 7:15.  After dropping off his or her luggage, your child will then report to the gym as usual until dismissed to the classrooms.  If you are not a chaperone for our trip or do not need to drop off medication for your child, we ask that you drop your child off in carpool to alleviate traffic on the hall.  It is going to be very busy that morning!

  • The weather looks as if it is going to be nice for our trip, but please pack a poncho for your child just in case rain moves in at any point.   You will need to pack a flashlight for the night activities.  All other packing items were sent on a packing list with your child.  Please remember to pack old clothing as we will get dirty.  Also, please remember closed-toe and extra shoes.  The students will be outside even in the rain, so an extra pair of shoes is very important.  We will be outside most of the time, so a heavier jacket will be necessary.

  • You will need to pack all linens for the beds (pillow, sheets, blanket or sleeping bag).  Also, please remember to pack towels.  They do not have ANY linens for the children.  The cabins are heated.

  • If your child takes DAILY medication or you want to send “AS NEEDED” medication, please bring this on WEDNESDAY with the necessary forms (the Hoover Medication Form as well as Camp McDowell form - both are attached to this email)!!  It will be very busy the morning of the trip, and things will be a little hectic.  All medication will be given to Nurse Tyra Walker when you arrive on our hall.  All medication must be in its original prescription bottle with dosing instructions.

  • All payment for Camp McDowell is due by tomorrow, September 16th..  If you did our payment plan, all money MUST be received by the date of our departure.  Thank you!

  • Chaperones:  you will be driving your cars and transporting the students’ luggage.  We will give you a chaperone packet the morning of the trip with directions, but the trip is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.  Please park in the parking lot (either side or front) upon arrival and come to your child’s homeroom teacher’s classroom.  We will then move the cars outside our hall when we are ready to load them.  We appreciate your willingness to do this!

  • We will return on FRIDAY afternoon at 2:00.  There will be sign out sheets for you to sign your child out upon our arrival.  Your child may leave at 2:00.  This WILL NOT count as a check-out for your child.  In the past, children have been exhausted and very ready to go home at 2:00. The signature on the sheet is for our record-keeping purposes.  If you are not able to pick up your child at 2:00, we need to know what you would like for your child to do on that day for transportation.  If you wish for him or her to ride the bus, you will need to come get your child’s luggage at school that afternoon.  Please be sure you have filled out the previously sent Google form about this.

  • Please note that per the rules of Camp McDowell that NO ELECTRONICS OR PHONES are allowed with students on this trip.  There is also NO FOOD OR DRINK allowed in student cabins.  There will be plenty of food provided for the students at meals and at Canteen time.

  • You may send a small amount of money for your child to purchase a Camp McDowell t-shirt or other souvenir.  $40.00 should be more than enough!  We look forward to a wonderful trip!  Please contact your teacher with specific questions!


Please carefully look over the following checklist and check each item as it is packed. When arriving at McDowell Environmental Center, participants should come prepared to spend the day outside. 

Helpful hints for packing: 
- Limit packing to one suitcase or duffel bag and a rolled up sleeping bag. You will carry your belongings from the bus to your cabin.
- Put your name on everything. 
- Bring OLD clothes and shoes! You will get wet and muddy. 
- Pack a rain coat or poncho (and warm clothes if applicable). 

Classes are held outdoors rain or shine. 

___ 2 water bottles (20oz or larger) 
___ rain coat or poncho 
___ 4 pairs of socks 
___ 2 pairs of closed-toe shoes
___ 3 pairs of underwear 
___ 3 shirts 
___ 2 pairs of long pants 
___ 3 pairs of shorts 
___ sweatshirt or fleece
___ pajamas
___ towel & wash cloth 
___ soap, toothbrush & other toiletries
___ sleeping bag (or sheets & blankets - single bed)
___ pillow 
___ sunscreen 
___ pen or pencil
___ small backpack 

___ hat & sunglasses
___ flashlight & extra batteries 
___ camera 
___ souvenir money (max. $40) 
___ sandals for shower ___ journal 
___ bug repellent (non-Deet lotions) 

Wool and synthetic clothing work best! 
___ warm knit hat 
___ warm gloves 
___ thick socks 
___ long underwear/thick tights 
___ heavy jacket

​*DO NOT BRING: food, gum, candy or knives!​

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