Ponder Science/Social Studies

Civil War Test Link
Science links- 
Welcome to the Planets: The Explorers https://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/special/explorers.htm
Mars Exploration Rover Mission https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/home/
Phoenix Mars Lander
NASA Photo Gallery
May 8th-12th
  We are continuing our study of "Earth's place in the universe."  This week we are learning more about Aerospace Engineering and the steps in the EDP (Engineering Design Process)- Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve. We are focusing on the "Ask" and "Imagine" steps as we are "imagining a spacecraft that will travel on a mission to another celestial body in our Solar System."We are also learning about different types of spacecraft and deepening our knowledge of the Solar System. 
Science Test NEXT TUESDAY, May 16th! 
 Study guide came home today 05/10! 
Social Studies:
This week we are finishing our discussions about the  Industrial Revolution.  We will also begin our study of the Civil War. Grades will be taken on class work 
May 1st-5th
  We are continuing our study of "Earth's place in the universe."  This week we are learning more about Aerospace Engineering and the steps in the EDP (Engineering Design Process)- Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve. We are focusing on the "Ask" and "Imagine" steps as we are "imagining a spacecraft that will travel on a mission to another celestial body in our Solar System."We are also learning about different types of spacecraft and deepening our knowledge of the Solar System. 

NO SCIENCE TEST this week......maybe next week! 
Next week we are also planning to build and test parachutes! 
Social Studies:
This week we are exploring the Texas/Mexican War, the United States war with Mexico. We will also discuss the Gold Rush and the Industrial Revolution.  Grades will be taken on class work and the Brain Pop quiz on the Gold Rush.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, May 7th- Brain Pop quiz grade on the Gold Rush due
GOLD RUSH BRAIN POP- Remember your log in is bgisbucs  and the password is bgis

*You may take the quiz as many times as you like as long as you send me your score (screen shot or e-mail through Brain Pop) no later than Friday at 3:00.  My e-mail is sponder@hoover.k12.al.us    Do your best! :)

April 24th-28th
Image resultScience- 
Image result for paulo's parachute mission   Last week we started a new unit, "Earth's place in the universe." We learned about gravity and tides.  For the next couple of weeks, we will be working through a unit involving parachutes.  This week we are building background knowledge and vocabulary using the book, "Paulo's Parachute Mission. 
It is our hope to build and test our own parachutes in the next few weeks. I am aiming to give a Science test late next week. 
Social Studies-
This week we will discuss the Trail of Tears, the Trails West (Oregon, Mormon, Santa Fe, and California), the Gold Rush, and Manifest Destiny.  We will have a test on Westward Expansion this Friday.  Study guides will be sent home on Tuesday.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, April 28th- Westward Expansion Test
Westward Expansion Study Guide
April 3rd-7th 
Science- We are having a test this FRIDAY on the physical properties of Matter.  A study guide will come home tomorrow, and there will have a link on this page to the study guide. Students should also review the activities in their Science notebooks.  This week we are reviewing the observable properties:(using our senses-smell, taste, touch), color, texture, luster, shape, hardness, states of matter) and measurable properties of matter- length, width, height, volume, mass, density, and displaced volume. We are doing many classrooms activities to apply our learning and review for our test. 
Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...This week, we will continue exploring Westward Expansion.  We will discuss the Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny, and the War of 1812.  *Be sure you are keeping up with your notes in class as these will be graded at the end of the unit. March 20th-24th 
We are learning about different physical properties of matter. This week we are focusing on measurable properties of matter- length, width, height, volume, mass, density, and displaced volume. 
We are doing many classrooms activities to apply our learning.  Grades this week are taken on classwork and lab activities. 
*We will have a test after Spring break that will cover observable and measurable properties of matter. 
Physical properties of matter can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter. We will complete several labs involving physical properties of matter. *No Tests or quiz this week. Grades will taken from classwork and lab activities. 
Social Studies-
We are learning more about the "Bill of Rights and our first president, George Washington.  We will also begin our study on westward expansion as we focus first on the Louisiana purchase.
*We will have a Social Studies test some time after Spring break!
March 13th-17th 
Monday- We looked at some of the world's largest hydroelectric plants .
We are learning about different physical properties of matter. 
Physical properties of matter can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter. We will complete several labs involving physical properties of matter. *No Tests or quiz this week. Grades will taken from classwork and lab activities. 
Social Studies- 
Image result for Bill of rights
We are learning about the Federalists and Anti-federalists, the Bill of Rights, and George Washington.  

March 6th-10th 
Science -
   We have been finishing our study of the Nitrogen Cycle. We also are discussing the use of Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy resources. We will have our quiz this Friday. Click here for the Nitrogen Cycle and Sources of Energy STUDY GUIDE LINK that came home Tuesday. 

Social Studies- 
Image result for branches of governmentWe have been learning about the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the three branches of Government.  We will have a test this Thursday.  A study guide came home Monday. Click here for the Branches of Government Study Guide LINK
February 28th-March 3rd
1) Make a copy and save with your name
2) Complete data from Science notebook
3) Insert a pie graph
4) Share with Mrs. Ponder

Interactive Water Website 

February 21st-24th 
Science- We have been working on a fun lab involving Chemical and Physical Changes. 
  • We are going to revisit "Distribution of Water" on Earth with several classwork activities. 
  • We are also going to be looking further at the physical properties of matter; mass, volume, and density activities.  
Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
This week we will complete our study of the Revolutionary War.  We will specifically look at contributions of minorities in the war and locating important battles on a map.  We will also review for our test that is at the end of the week.

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, February 24th- Revolutionary War Test


Friday, February 3rd, 2017 

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016
Week of December 12th-16th 

What We Are Studying...
  • We are continuing with our Engineering is Elementary Unit - "A Slick Solution: Cleaning an Oil Spill."
  • We are learning and applying  the steps of the Engineering Design Process: 
Social Studies: What We Are Studying...
  • We are discussing the roots of Democracy and Reasons for the American Revolution.
  • No tests or quizzes this week! 

Week of December 5th-9th

Science:  What We Are Studying...
  • We are continuing this week  with our Engineering is Elementary Unit - "A Slick Solution: Cleaning an Oil Spill."
  • We are discussing:"What is an engineer?" (Someone who uses his/her knowledge of science, math, and creativity to design objects, systems, or processes to solve problems.) 
  • We are discussing:"What is technology?"(Technology is anything designed by human beings to help solve a problem or meet a need...more than electronics.) 
  • We are learning about the steps of the Engineering Design Process:
  • No tests or quizzes this week. Grades will be taken on classwork activities. 
  • We will have a Science Test NEXT WEEK. 
Social Studies: What We Are Studying...
  • We have finished our "13 Colonies Unit" and will have a test on Wednesday, December 7th. 
We will begin discussing the "Causes of the American Revolution" Thurday and Friday. 

Week of November 28th-December 2nd 
Science:  What We Are Studying...
Image result for clipart art engineering design process
  • We started an Engineering is Elementary Unit today- "A Slick Solution: Cleaning an Oil Spill."
  • We are discussing:"What is an engineer?" (Someone who uses his/her knowledge of science, math, and creativity to design objects, systems, or processes to solve problems.) 
  • We are discussing:"What is technology?"(Technology is anything designed by human beings to help solve a problem or meet a need...more than electronics.) 
  • We are learning about the steps of the Engineering Design Process: 
  • No tests or quizzes this week. Grades will be taken on classwork activities. 
Social Studies: What We Are Studying....
  • This week, we will be studying the Middle and Southern English colonies.  We will explore climates, economy, government, and religion of each one along with important people. Students will locate each colony on a map and identify them as New England, Middle, or Southern colonies.  
Upcoming Dates:
Test on Colonial America Tuesday, December 6th
*Grades will also be taken on work completed in class.

Have a wonderful week! :)
Week of November 7th-1oth 

  • We are observing the effects of pollution on our ecocolumns. There were 3 different pollutants (salt, vinegar, and fertilizer) that were added to our terrariums and acted as run-off int0 our aquariums. We are learning about pH levels of water and soil and what can/cannot survive. 
  • We will begin our background knowledge of our Engineering is Elementary unit.  

Social Studies: 

What We Are Studying...

 This week, we will be studying the thirteen English colonies.  We will explore climates, economy, government, and religion of each one along with important people.  Students will locate each colony on a map and identify them as New England, Middle, or Southern colonies.  

Week of November 7th-1oth 
  • We enjoyed "Pollutant" group presentations today! I am so proud of the hard work and dooperation they  put forth in their projects. It was great to see the teaching and learning about the effects acid rain, rock salt, and fertilizers can have on the environment. 
  • We will continue to discuss the effects of pollutants on the environment and ecosystems. 
  • We will plan experiments to study the effects of pollution. We will determine variables and controls and prepare to use simulations in a scientific investigation. We will predict rthe possible effects of pollutants on their model ecosystems. 
Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we reviewing Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay Colony.  We will discuss the similarities and differences, rulers, government, and the influence of religion.  

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, November 10th- Test on Colonial America foundations

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Websites for more research:

What happens to all the salt we dump on the roads? http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-happens-to-all-the-salt-we-dump-on-the-roads-180948079/

Week of October 31st-November 4th  

  • We enjoyed using "Skittles" for our photosythesis/Conservation of Matter lab yesterday (Monday). 
  • The rest of this week we will be discussing and researching how human-made pollutants can impact and damage the environment. 
  • Students will make group presentations about three different pollutants: acid rain, agricultural run-off from fertilizers, and road salt.  
  • We will discuss the trade-offs involved when humans release pollutants into the environment. 
Social Studies-
Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we are backing up and getting more background information on Colonial America.  We will read about Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay Colony.  We will discuss the similarities and differences, rulers, government, and the influence of religion.  

Week of October 24th-28th 

  • We working with our ecocolumns (a connected terrarium and aquarium) this week.  We are discussing the dependent and interdependent relationships among producers, consumers, decomposers, and scavengers. 
  • We are illustrating the web of relationships in our aquariums and terrariums. 
  • We will make predictions of how one ecosystem might influence the other. We will identify and discuss some natural causes that can disturb an ecosystem. 
  • Grades will be taken on science notebook and lab activities this week. 

Social Studies:
  • We will share our Explorer projects :-) 
  • We will discuss the continue our study of Colonial America. We are learning about the reasons for European colonization that led to the formation of the original 13 Colonies. 
  • No tests or quizzes this week. 

Week of October 17th-21st 
  • We are reviewing for our photosynthesis test which will be Thursday, October 20th.
  • Here is a link to our study guide: Photosynthesis Study Guide click on this link
  • Today we joined together our terrariums and aquariums.  We will be discussing the dependent and interdependent relationships in our eco-columns.  

Social Studies:
  • Explorers Projects are due NO LATER than Monday, October 24th. 
  • Explorers' Project guidelines click here :-)
  • This week, we will finish our study of the Columbian Exchange. 
  • We will also begin our study of Colonial America. This will be a very fun unit! We will begin with the New England Colonies.
  • Due by Wednesday, October 19th-BrainPop graded quiz on the Columbian Exchange.  Link below.

You will rewatch the BrainPop video on the Columbian Exchange then take the gradedquiz.  Show me your score when you are finished.  You may retake it as many times as you like before Wednesday morning.  Whatever grade I have for you at this point will be the grade entered into iNOW.  Be careful and do your very best!  You may e-mail it to me at sponder@hoover.k12.al.us 
BrainPop log in: username: bgisbucs
                                  password: bgis

Explorers' Projecct-

Here are some great websites for information:


WEEK OF October 11th-14th



We will be learning about the process of photosynthesis......how plants (producers) make their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. 

We will be making further observations of our terrariums and aquariums now that our crickets and isopods have been added.  We will be joining our terrariums and aquariums together to make eco-columns. 

We will discuss the many interdependent relationships among producers, consumers, decomposers, and scavengers in various ecosystems. 


  • We are tracing the development and impact of the Columbian Exchange between the Old World and New World. 
  • We will also work on our Explorers' Projects in class. These projects are due next Wednesday.   Here is a link to project guidelines: 
  • Explorers' Project guidelines click here :-)

WEEK OF October 3rd-7th 



Ecosystems Study Guide Click Here  

Crash Course Science videos: 


Our Explorers Unit Test is THIS THURSDAY

  • We are continue with our Explorers of a New World Unit.  Students will determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and American Indians.  Students will identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their countries of origin.  
  • Our Unit Science Test will be THIS FRIDAY! 
  • Please check here Tuesday or Wednesday for a link to the study Guide. 
  • We have assembled our terrariums and aquariums complete with water, algae, plants, fish, and snails. We have been recording our data and making observations on our lab sheets. We plan to add crickets and isopods to our terrariums this week. 
  • We are reading about and discussing: "What is an Ecosystem?" What is the difference between Food Webs and Food Chains?" What are Generalists and Specialists (in Science)? 
  • Important Vocabulary: Abioitc, Biotic, Food Chain, Food Web, Producers, Consumers, Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores, Decomposers, Scavengers, and Photosynthesis.


WHAT ARE WE LEARNING ABOUT? Image result for globe and explorers clip art


  • We are continue with our Explorers of a New World Unit.  Students will determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and American Indians.  Students will identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their countries of origin.  Students will trace the the development and impact of the Colombian Exchange.
  • We have assembled our terrariums and aquariums complete with water, algae, plants, fish, and snails. We have been recording our data and making observations on our lab sheets. 
  • We are reading about and discussing: "What is an Ecosystem?" What is the difference between Food Webs and Food Chains?" What are Generalists and Specialists (in Science)? 
  • We are learning the following Vocabulary:  Environment, Ecology, Ecosystem, Biosphere, Habitat, Niche, Generalists, Specialists, Food Chain, Food Webs
  • We are reviewing: Producers, Consumers, Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores
  • Our goal is to have a Science Quiz next week (I will be in touch with this date at the end of this week). 

Chat with Mrs. Ponder :-)



  • We continue with our Explorers of a New World Unit.  Students will determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and American Indians.  Students will identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their countries of origin.  Students will trace the the development and impact of the Columbian Exchange. 
  • We are building Ecocolumns (made up of a connected terrarium and aquarium) this week. 
  • Monday and Tuesday we will be working on our terrariums (adding rocks, soil, seeds, and water).
  • Wednesday and Thursday we will work on our aquariums (rocks, plants, fish, and snails). 
  • Friday and any extra time will be spent on discussing, "What is an Ecosystem?" and Vocabulary: Environment, Ecology, Ecosystem, Biosphere, Habitat, Niche, Generalists, Specialists, Food Chain, Food Webs
  • Our goal is to aim to have a Science Quiz next Tuesday (this will be based on whether or not we have covered the concepts and are ready for a quiz). 

PONDER- TST- Mindsets Quiz 


Ponder Science and Social Studies



  • THANK YOU for all of the 2 liter bottles. We will begin assembling our Eco-columns and start our study of ECOSYSTEMS this week. 
  • No tests or quizzes. All grades will be taken on Science notebook activities and classwork.
  • We will begin our new unit: Explorers of a New World. 
  • Students will determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and American Indians. 
  • Students will identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their countries of origin.
  • Students will trace the development and impact of the of the Columbian Exchange. 
  • NO TESTS or QUIZZES this week. All grades will be taken on classwork activities. 
  • *Important:  Students will navigate to google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account. You will click ALLOW. From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account

Social Studies-Take the Social Studies Test

Click on the link below.
Early Migration and Native American Test
Native American Activities:

Design Your Own Tipi
Design Your Own Longhouse 
Design A Totem Pole

What we are studying this week:
August 29th- September 2nd
Social Studies
Study Guide came home today!
  • Identify causes and effects of early migration and settlement of North America focusing on the People of the Arctic, People of the Forests, and The Great Plains Native Americans
  • **IMPORTANT**  Students will navigate to google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account. You will click ALLOW. From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account. 
  • We are working on learning and applying the steps involved in the Scientific Method: Observing, Questioning, Hypothesizing (Predicting), Planning/Investigating, Communicating/Recording , Interpreting Results through a Gummy Bear Lab. 
  • Every students needs to bring at least 1 clear 2 liter bottle for our eco-columns. 
  • No tests or quizzes this week. Grades will be taken from class labs and science notebook activities. 
What we are studying August 22nd-26th
We are still working on Science Processing Skills: 
Making Observations and Inferences; Distinguishing between Qualitative and Quantitative Observations; Learning about Hypothesizing and Conclusions; 

  • SCIENCE TEST this Friday, August 26th. We will review in class for this test. Students should use their Science notebooks as a review at home for this test

SOCIAL STUDIES   Students will learn to navigate google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account. You will click need to click ALLOW. From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account. 
  • Review customs of Southwest Indian groups;
  • Identify causes and effects of early migration and settlement of North America focusing on the People of the Arctic, People of the Forests, and The Great Plains Native Americans
  • What we are studying August 15th-19th-
Science- Units of Study
  • Science Lab Safety 
  • What is a Scientist? 
  • Learning the Scientific Method- Make Observations, Ask a Question, Form a Hypothesis, Design an Experiment, Do the Experiment, Gather Data, Draw a Conclusion
  • Students will navigate to google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account. You will click ALLOW. From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account. 
  • Identify causes and effects of early Native American migration and settlement of North America.
  • Complete a Comparison Chart of Native American Tribes - location, homes, clothing, and food