Kaylor Math/Social Studies

Civil War Test Link

Click HERE for test! Do your best!

May 15-19
What is happening this week?

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be reviewing a lot of skills explored this year.  We will concentrate a lot on operations with fractions and decimals as well as conversions between units.  We will continue with math boxes and problem solving.  Our final homework assignment for the year is the Unit 7 study guide that is due Tuesday (given out Friday and worked on in class).  Our final test is Thursday, May 18th.  It will be taken on the computer.

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, May 15th-IXL Contract #23 due
Tuesday, May 16th- Unit 7 Study Guide due
Thursday, May 18th- Unit 7 Test on multiplication and division of decimals


Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be studying the Civil War.  We will only be able to hit the highlights as we do not have time for an in-depth study.  LOTS of time could be spent on the Civil War! 
Please keep up with all class work as some of this will be graded.  We will have a test this Friday, our last one of the year. :)

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, May 19th- Test on the Civil War (look over study guide received Tuesday)


May 8-12
What is happening this week?
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be reviewing multiplication and division of decimals.  We will be doing small groups as well as math stations to deepen our understanding and review operations with both fractions and decimals.

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, May 8th- IXL Contract #22 due today
Wednesday, May 10th- CR #25 due-all
Monday, May 15th- IXL Contract #23 due
Wednesday, May 17th- Unit #7 Test on Multiplication and Division of Decimals

CR #25                                 CR #25b
IXL Contract #23               IXL Contract #23b

Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be discussing events leading to the Civil War.  Grades will be taken on work completed in class.

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, May 19th- Test on Civil War (*tentative date)


Quote of the Week:  "Go the extra mile.  It's never crowded."

Let's have a fabulous week!  Remember, let's finish strong! :)

Love you all!
~Mrs. K.

May 1-5
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be exploring division of decimals.  We will use estimation as well as looking at patterns to help us determine where the decimal should be placed in our answers. We will also compare it to dividing fractions and to multiplying decimals.  We will do daily math boxes to review other important concepts and skills.  

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, May 1st- IXL Contract #21 was due
Wednesday, May 3rd- CR #24 due (all)
Friday, May 5th- CR Quiz #11
Monday, May 8th- IXL Contract #22 due

CR #24                                                 CR #24b
IXL Contract #22                             IXL Contract #22b

Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
This week we will explore the Texas/Mexican War and the United States war with Mexico.  We will also discuss the Gold Rush and the Industrial Revolution.  Grades will be taken on class work and the Brain Pop quiz on the Gold Rush.

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, May 7th- Brain Pop quiz grade on the Gold Rush due

GOLD RUSH BRAIN POP- Remember your log in is bgisbucs  and the password is bgis
*You may take the quiz as many times as you like as long as you send me your score (screen shot or e-mail through Brain Pop) no later than Thursday at 3:00.  My e-mail is jkaylor@hoover.k12.al.us    Do your best! :)

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.  The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
 ~Thomas Edison

April 24-28
What is going on this week?

Hello!  We are excited for another week!  Please read below to see what we will be studying this week as well as to see important due dates and test dates.  Let's have a fabulous week! :)

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be exploring multiplication of decimals.  We will use estimation and our knowledge of decimals to solve problems.  Additionally, we will continue reviewing skills through math boxes as well as continue problem solving.

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, April 27th- CR #23 due (all)
Friday, April 28th- Decimal Page due
Monday, May 1st- IXL Contract #21 due

CR #23                                              CR #23b
IXL Contract #21                            IXL Contract 21b

Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...

This week we will discuss the Trail of Tears, the Trails West (Oregon, Mormon, Santa Fe, and California), the Gold Rush, and Manifest Destiny.  We will have a test on Westward Expansion this Friday.  Study guides will be sent home on Tuesday.

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, April 28th- Westward Expansion Test

Westward Expansion Study Guide

Let's work really hard this week!  I love you all! :)

April 17-21
What is going on this week?

Happy Monday! We have completed the ACT Aspire testing, so we are back into our normal routines (pretty much), and homework and tests have resumed.  Please see information below regarding curriculum and upcoming dates. 


What We Are Studying...
This week we will be reviewing multiplying and dividing fractions including word problems.  We will also review other skills through daily math boxes and IXL.  

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, April 19th- CR #22 due
Thursday, April 20th- Multiplying/Dividing Fractions Unit Test
Monday, April 24th- IXL Contract #20 due

CR #22                                                   CR #22b
IXL Contract #20                                 IXL Contract #20b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
We will review the War of 1812, discuss "Manifest Destiny", the Monroe Doctrine, and the Trail of Tears.

Upcoming Dates:
*Test on Westward Expansion tentatively scheduled for next Thursday, April 27th.


Let's have a marvelous week!  Remember to work hard so we can finish our year STRONG! :)

Love you!
~Mrs. K.
April 10-14
What is going on this week?

    Happy Monday!  We have completed the first day of testing...three more to go! 😊
Due to testing this week, we have no homework and no tests.  


What We Are Studying...

Upcoming Dates:


Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...

Upcoming Dates:


Let's have a fabulous week!

Love you!
~Mrs. K.

April 3-7 
What is happening this week?

I hope you had a wonderful spring break!  We only have 8 weeks of school left! Can you believe it?? This year has really flown by!  We have A LOT of work left to do before summer, so remember to stay focused, always put forth your best effort, and don't give up!  Let's finish STRONG! :)

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be solving fraction word problems (using models).  We will also classify quadrilaterals and review line plots and the Cartesian plane.  Additionally, we will continue to review using daily math boxes.

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, April 5th- Unit 5/6 Study Guide due
Friday, April 7th- Unit 5/6 Test on Multiplication and Division of Fractions


Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue exploring Westward Expansion.  We will discuss the Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny, and the War of 1812.  *Be sure you are keeping up with your notes in class as these will be graded at the end of the unit. 

Upcoming Dates:

"Continuous effort--not strength or intelligence--is the key to unlocking our true potential." ~Winston Churchill

Let's have a fantastic week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 20-24
What is happening this week?


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will review multiplying fractions using models.  We will also divide whole numbers by fractions and fractions by whole numbers. Additionally, we will continue to do daily review with math boxes.  We will have a quiz on Thursday.

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, March 20th- IXL Contract #19 due
Tuesday, March 21st- CR #21 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, March 22nd- CR #21 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday- CR Quiz #10 

CR #21                                                                  CR #21b

Social Studies:

What We Are Studying...
This week we will review George Washington's impact on establishing the new American government.  We will then begin to discuss events leading up to the Louisiana Purchase  and the expedition of Lewis and Clark.


Spring Break is almost here!  Let's finish STRONG!  I believe in each one of you and love you!  :)
Quote of the Week: "It's hard to beat a person who never gives up!" ~Babe Ruth

March 13-17
What is happening this week?


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue our study of multiplying fractions.  We will be using models. Additionally, we will continue daily review with math boxes.  There are no quizzes or tests this week.

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, March 20th-IXL Contract #18 due
Tuesday, March 14th- CR #20 Monday boxes due 
Wednesday, March 15th- CR #20 Tuesday boxes due
Friday, March 17th- Multiplying Fraction page due tomorrow
Monday, March 13th- IXL Contract #19 due

CR #20                                                     CR #20b
IXL Contract #19                                   IXL Contract #19b

Social Studies:

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will discuss the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the views of the Federalists and the Anti-federalists.  We will also look at our first president, George Washington, and his impact on the formation of our government.

Upcoming Dates:

Too Late to Apologize video
Preamble to the Constitution song
Bill of Rights rap

Let's work hard this week!  Spring Break is coming, but it's not here yet.  Let's finish strong! 
Love you all!

~Mrs. K.

March 6-10
What is happening this week?

     This week will be very busy!  The third nine weeks ends this Friday.  Can you believe it?? Make sure you are working hard and doing your very best.   Check out what we will be studying and important dates below.


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will begin our unit on adding/subtracting decimals.  We will begin by examining place value.  Our knowledge of fractions will help us do this. :) Additionally, we will continue daily review with math boxes.  

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, March 6th-IXL Contract #17 due
Thursday, March 9th- CR #19 due (all)
Friday, March 10th- CR Quiz #9 (on CR #18 and 19)
Monday, March 13th- IXL Contract #18 due

CR #19                                                      CR #19b
IXL Contract #18                                   IXL Contract #18b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, Ms. Fuller will complete her unit on new American government.  We will have a test on Thursday.  Be sure to look over your study guide!

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, March 9th- Test on new American government

New Government Study Guide

Let's have a fabulous week!

Love you!
~Mrs. K.

February 27-March 3
What is happening this week?

  It's Read Across America Week! 😁  Remember to be reading your Reading Madness books!  I am excited to hear about all of these great books!  *Please note our field trip to Sloss Furnace this Wednesday has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, March 8th, due to the threat of bad weather.  We are working on rescheduling and will get that information to you as soon as we can.  We have another week of hard work ahead of us, but I believe in each one of you.  Let's do this!


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will begin our study of multiplying fractions.  We will use models to help us understand this concept.  We will also continue to do daily math boxes and Singapore math problem solving-using a bar.

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, February 28th- CR #18 Monday boxes due tom.
Wednesday, March 1st- CR #18 Tuesday boxes due tom.
Friday, March 3rd- Fraction page due
Monday, March 6th- IXL Contract #17 due

CR #18                                                                             CR #18b
CR #18 Answer Key
IXL Contract #17                                                           IXL Contract #17b

Social Studies

What We Are Studying...
This week we will discuss the set up of government in the newly created country of the United States of America.  We will explore the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and 

Upcoming Dates:
N/A-grades will be take on class work (keep up with everything in your binder)!


February 21-24
What is happening this week?

     I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!  We have a lot going on this week.  Please check out what we will be studying along with important dates below. This is week #2 of our new behavior system.  Remember, do your best and follow directions.  Also, our motto is "We do the work!"  So, let's buckle down, get busy, and work hard!  

What We Are Studying...
We will complete our study of place value and adding/subtracting decimals this week.  We will be doing more practice placing decimals on number lines, writing and reading them as fractions, comparing decimals, and rounding decimals.  We will be using models to help us solidify our understanding.  Additionally, we will do daily math boxes to review material we have already covered this year.  Practice, practice, practice! :)

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, February 21st- IXL Contract #16 due
Thursday, February 23rd- Unit 4 Study Guide due
Friday, February 24th- Unit 4 Test on Decimals


Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
This week we will complete our study of the Revolutionary War.  We will specifically look at contributions of minorities in the war and locating important battles on a map.  We will also review for our test that is at the end of the week.

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, February 24th- Revolutionary War Test


Remember, let's make this a great week through hard work...PERSEVERE!!! I love you, all!

~Mrs. K.

Quote of the Week:  "Believe you can and you're halfway there." ~Theodore Roosevelt

February 13-17
What is happening this week?

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue studying decimals by exploring place value meaning.  In addition to reading and writing decimals, we will decompose them, compare them, and round them.  We will continue problem solving using the bar model and will review through math boxes.

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, February 13th- IXL Contract #15 due
Tuesday, February 14th- CR #17 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, February 15th- CR #17 Tuesday boxes due
Friday, February 17th- Decimal Page due
Tuesday, February 21st- IXL Contract #16 due

CR #17                                                               CR #17b
IXL Contract #16                                             IXL Contract #16b            

Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
We are continuing our study of the American Revolutionary War.  We will look at the contributions of women and African Americans to the war.  We will also study the major battles and locate them on the map.

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, February 24th- Tentative test date on the Revolutionary War


I am excited for another week of exploration with you!  Remember, "We do the work!"  Let's work hard, do our very best, and have a fabulous time doing it!  I love each one of you and am so proud of all you have already accomplished this year.  Keep up the good work!

Love you!!
~Mrs. K.  😊

Quote of the Week:  
"If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you! If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you!"

February 6-10

What is happening this week?

Each class had great behavior today!  We are off to a strong start; I am very proud of you all!  Please check out the curriculum information as well as important dates below.  Let's work hard this week; push yourself and never settle for less than your best! 😃


What We Are Studying...

This week, we will continue to explore place value of decimals.  We will read, write, and compare/order, and round decimals.  We will use models and manipulatives to help us better understand these concepts.  

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, February 6th- IXL Contract #14 due

Tuesday, February 7th- CR #16 Monday boxes due

Wednesday, February 8th- CR #16 Tuesday boxes due

Friday, February 10th- CR Quiz #8

Monday, February 13th- IXL Contract #15 due


IXL Contract #15                                           IXL Contract #15b

Social Studies

What We Are Studying...

This week we will explore the Declaration of Independence (when it was written, by whom, why it was written, and the different parts).  We will also compare and contrast the British and Continental armies.

Upcoming Dates:

N/A-grades will be take on class work (keep up with everything in your binder)!


BRAIN POP - take graded quiz on Revolutionary War.
  Due Wednesday, Feb. 8th at 3:00.
Login: bgisbucs
Password: bgis

Remember to work hard this week!  Love you all!
~Mrs. K.

"There are no secrets to success.  It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." 
~Colin Powell

January 30-February 3
What is going on this week?

     Welcome to another week!  As we complete January and begin February, we will continue working hard.  Remember our class motto, "We do the work!"  Think about the growth mindset and continue to persevere!  I believe in each one of you! 😊


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will begin our unit on adding/subtracting decimals.  We will begin by examining place value.  Our knowledge of fractions will help us do this. :) Additionally, we will continue daily review with math boxes.  

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, January 30th- CR #15 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, January 31st - CR #15 Tuesday boxes due
Monday, February 6th- IXL Contract #14 due

CR #15                                                      Unit 3 Reviewb
IXL Contract #14                                   IXL Contract #14b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will compare and contrast Loyalists and Patriots.  We will also look at important figures from the Revolutionary War.

Upcoming Dates:


Let's have a fabulous week!

Love you!
~Mrs. K.

January 23-27
What is going on this week?

Well, it finally happened.  We had to come to school on a Monday. I hope we haven't forgotten what a full 5-day week is like! :)
I believe in you; we can do this!  Check out the info below to see what we will be studying this week and for important dates. 


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will complete our unit on adding and subtracting fractions and begin adding and subtracting decimals.  We will  continue daily review with math boxes.  There is no CR this week. Don't forget our Unit test on adding/subtracting fractions is Wednesday.  It will be worth 120 points.  Be reviewing your Unit 3 Review as well as your class work.

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, January 25th - Unit 3 Test on Addition/Subtraction of Fractions
Monday, January 30th- IXL Contract #14 due

IXL Contract #14                                   IXL Contract #14b
Fraction Unit Review
Fraction Unit Review Answer Key

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will have our test on Causes of the Revolutionary War.  We will learn about Lexington and Concord and compare and contrast the British and Colonial American armies.

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, January 24th- Test on the Causes of the Revolutionary War

Let's stay focused this week.  Remember, "We do the work!"

Love you!
~Mrs. K.

January 17-20
What is going on this week?
     Did you all enjoy the long weekend?  I hope you did!  :)  We will hit the ground running this week working on fractions and solving many word problems.  Remember to persevere!  "We do the work!!!"  May that be our motto as we continue plowing ahead this nine weeks. There is much to be done, and if you put forth your best effort you will be successful!  I believe in each one of you.  Let'd do this! :)


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue adding and subtracting fractions as well as mixed numbers. We will also be solving many word problems. Additionally, we will  continue daily review with math boxes.  There is no new IXL assignment this week or CR.  Take this extra time to work on your unit test review and to review class work for your test next Tuesday.  It will be worth 120 points.  I want you all to do fabulous on this!

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, January 18th - IXL Contract #13 due
Friday, January 20th- Unit Review Page due
Wednesday, January 25th- Unit Test on Addition/Subtraction of Fractions


Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will complete our exploration of causes of the Revolutionary War.  We will review for our test that is this Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, January 24th- Test on the Causes of the Revolutionary War

I am so proud of all of you and am looking forward to seeing all you will accomplish this week!

Love you all!
~Mrs. K.
"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds."
~Gordon B. Hinckley

January 9-13
What is going on this week?
     I hope everyone enjoyed your day off Monday! :)  I will miss you all Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Work hard!  I will see you Thursday. :)  There is no CR this week.  There is IXL, but it is not due until Wednesday of next week (January 18th).  Be sure to check out what we will be studying as well as upcoming dates below.


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue our fraction unit. We will review adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators using models.  We will also add and subtract mixed numbers. We will also continue daily review with math boxes and word problems in our math journals. Remember to continue to review your basic multiplication facts.  It is SO important to know these!

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, January 18th - IXL Contract #13 due
Wednesday, January 18th- Unit Review Page due
Friday, January 20th- Unit Test on Addition/Subtraction of Fractions


Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue studying causes of the Revolutionary War such as the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre.  We will also create a timeline of events leading up to the Revolutionary War.

Upcoming Dates:


Let's have a fabulous week!

Love you!
~Mrs. K.

January 3-6
What is going on this week?

     Welcome back, everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed your time off. :)  I love the new year!  It's a time for  fresh start and the opportunity to make changes that will help us each become better.  Let's kick off 2017 and this second semester of fifth grade in a positive way. Please see below for curriculum updates as well as important due dates and test dates.  Let's have a wonderful week!! 😊


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue our fraction unit. We will be adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators using models.  We will also compare them using benchmarks.  We will also continue daily review with math boxes and word problems in our math journals. Remember to continue to review your basic multiplication facts.  I know you can do it!

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, January 4th- CR #14-Tuesday boxes due
Thursday, January 5th-CR #14 Wednesday boxes due
Monday, January 9th- IXL Contract #12 due

CR #14                                              CR #14b
IXL Contract #12                            IXL Contract 12b               

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue studying causes of the Revolutionary War.  

Upcoming Dates:


So excited to begin this new year with all of you!

~Mrs. K.

December 5-9
What is going on this week?
 We have two weeks left until winter break! Can you believe it??  We are going to finish the semester STRONG!  Please see below for curriculum updates as well as important due dates and test dates.  Let's have a fabulous week!! 😊


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will explore fractions. We will define fractions (difference between numerator and denominator), compare them using benchmarks, and see them on area, set, and linear models.  We will then begin to concentrate on making equivalent fractions using models. Additionally, we will continue daily review with math boxes and word problems in our math journals. Remember to  study your basic math facts.  These are SUPER important!!! 

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, December 8th- CR #13-all due!
Monday, December 12th-IXL Contract #11 due
Tuesday, December 13th- CR Quiz #7

CR #13                                                CR #13b
IXL Contract #11                              IXL Contract #11b                               

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will complete our study of the Thirteen Colonies and take a test.  We will then begin studying the causes of the Revolutionary War.

Upcoming Dates:
Test on the Thirteen Colonies on Tuesday, December 6th

Have a wonderful week! :)

Love you all,
~Mrs. K.

TST- Book Report Outline: HERE
Social Studies November 30: Southern Colonies Graphic Organizer

Social Studies November 29: Middle Colonies Graphic Organizer

November 28- December 2
What is going on this week?

     I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving week!  We are hitting the ground running this week as December quickly approaches.  :)  Please see what we will be studying as well as important dates below.  


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will begin studying fractions!!! We will concentrate on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators using models.  We will look at how to make equivalent fractions in this study.  We will also continue solving composite volume problems for extra practice.  We will review with daily math boxes and word problems in our math journals. Continue to study your basic math facts as you really need to know these well! 

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, November 29th- Monday boxes due 
Wednesday, November 30th- Tuesday boxes due
Monday, December 5th- IXL Contract #10 due

CR #12                                                  CR #12 b
IXL Contract #10                             IXL Contract #10b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be studying the Middle and Southern English colonies.  We will explore climates, economy, government, and religion of each one along with important people. Students will locate each colony on a map and identify them as New England, Middle, or Southern colonies.  

Upcoming Dates:
Test on Colonial America Tuesday, December 6th
*Grades will also be taken on work completed in class.

Have a wonderful week! :)

Love you all,
~Mrs. K.

November 14-18
What is going on this week?
     I hope everyone enjoyed Veteran's Day weekend!  Thank you to all our veterans, past, present, and future!  We are forever grateful for your service.  Well, one more week until Thanksgiving week (fall break)!  This year is really flying by!  We will be working hard this week, as usual. :)  Please check below for upcoming due dates and test dates.  


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will complete our study of volume.  We will continuing solving composite volume problems as well as word problems involving volume.  We will review with daily math boxes  Continue to study your basic math facts as they are very important! Please note there is no Cumulative Review or IXL this week.

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, November 16th- Volume Review Page due (see link below if needed)
Thursday, November 17th- Volume Unit Test (/120)

Volume Review                                       Volume Review b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be studying the thirteen English colonies.  We will explore climates, economy, government, and religion of each one along with important people.  Students will locate each colony on a map and identify them as New England, Middle, or Southern colonies.  

Upcoming Dates:
Grades will be taken on work completed in class.

I am SO grateful for each one of you!  I hope you each have a wonderful week off next week and have a truly joyous Thanksgiving holiday! 

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”

~Thornton Wilder
Love you all!
~Mrs. K.

November 7-11

What is going on this week?

     This week is a short week, so we will work extra hard Monday-Thursday. Please read below to see what we will be studying and exploring these next four days.  Also, pay close attention to due dates and upcoming tests and quizzes.  Remember, no matter how small the task, never settle for less than your best!  Let's have a wonderful week! 

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will do a deeper study of volume.  We will explore the additive property of volume as well as solve authentic word problems involving volume.  We will also continue to review previously learned skills through math boxes, and cumulative review.  IXL this week is only three skills since it is a short week. Continue to study your basic math facts as they are very important! 

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, November 8th- CR #11 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, November 9th- CR #11 Tuesday boxes due
Monday, November 14th- IXL Contract #9 due
Thursday, November 17th- Volume Unit Test (/120)

CR #11                                                                      CR #11b
IXL Contract #9                                                       IXL Contract #9b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we reviewing Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay Colony.  We will discuss the similarities and differences, rulers, government, and the influence of religion.  

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, November 10th- Test on Colonial America foundations

Early Colonies Study Guide

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
~Elmer Davis

Let's have a fabulous week!!

Mrs. K. 

October 31- November 4
What is going on this week?
    It's hard to believe that November is already here!  Where has the year gone??  It is a pleasure to work with each and every one of you.  It is a blessing to watch you as you learn and grow.  Please see below to check out what we will be studying this week and for important dates.  Keep the following quote in mind as we work hard this week: 
"It's okay not to know.  It's not okay not to try."  
ALWAYS TRY!  When things don't come easy, it doesn't mean you can't do them; it just means you need to work harder!  Don't be afraid of hard work! :)

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will continue to explore the concept of volume.  We will be filling the boxes we made with cubes to find the volume.  Hopefully this concrete model of volume will help us to truly understand it.   We will also continue to review previously learned skills through math boxes, and cumulative review.  We will not have IXL this week.  Please continue to review multiplication facts.  It really is in your best interest to know them very well. :)

Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, November 2nd- CR #10 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday, November 3rd- CR #10 Wednesday boxes due
Friday, November 4th- operation problem page due; CR Quiz #5

CR #10                                              CR #10b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we are backing up and getting more background information on Colonial America.  We will read about Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay Colony.  We will discuss the similarities and differences, rulers, government, and the influence of religion.  

Upcoming Dates:
N/A--grades taken on class work


"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin

Let's have a wonderful week!!

Mrs. K. 

October 24-28
What is going on this week?
     I hope you all are having a great start to your week!  We will continue to work hard this week in both math and social studies.   Remember to work hard and do your best. :)

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will begin our unit on volume.  We will be building boxes and finding the volume of them.  It should be a lot of fun!  We will continue to review older skills through math boxes, cumulative review, and IXL skills.  Remember to review multiplication facts! It is imperative that you know these!

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, October 25th- CR #9 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, October 26th- CR #9 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday, October 27th- CR #9 Wednesday boxes due
Friday, October 28th- operation problem page due
Monday, October 31st- IXL Contract #8 due

CR #9                                                                     CR #9b
IXL Contract #8                                                  IXL Contract #8b

Social Studies: 
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will explore the New England colonies.  We will identify the 4 New England colonies, locate them on a map, and learn about their economy, education, and religion.

Upcoming Dates:
N/A--grades taken on class work


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

~  Maria Robinson

October 17-21
What is going on this week?
  I hope you had a great weekend! I am looking forward to another great week of learning. Read below to see what we will be doing this week and for important dates.

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be exploring what to do with remainders in division word problems.  We will continue to estimate and use the partial quotients strategy.  We will begin our next unit on volume of rectangular prisms. Remember to review multiplication facts!

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, Oct. 18- CR #8 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, Oct. 19- CR #8 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday, Oct. 20-  CR Quiz #4 today
Friday, Oct. 21- Division page due
Monday, Oct. 24- IXL Contract #7 due

CR #8                                                         CR 8b
IXL Contract 7                                          IXL Contract 7b

Social Studies:
This week, we will begin our study of Colonial America. This will be a very fun unit! We will begin with the New England Colonies.

Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, October 18- BrainPop graded quiz on the Columbian Exchange due.  Link below.

QUOTE:  "A negative thinker sees a difficulty in every opportunity.  A positive thinker sees an opportunity in every difficulty."

Let's have a wonderful week!  Remember, positive attitudes and let's WORK HARD!
~Mrs. K.

Social Studies Assignment October 17th:
You will rewatch the BrainPop video on the Columbian Exchange then take the classic quiz.  Show me your score when you are finished.  You may retake it as many times as you like before tomorrow morning.  Whatever grade I have for you at this point will be the grade entered into iNOW.  Be careful and do your very best!  You may e-mail it to me at jkaylor@hoover.k12.al.us 

BrainPop log in: username: bgisbucs
                               password: bgis

Click HERE.

Social Studies Links for October 14
13 Colonies Interactive Website and Quiz
Why Explore?
Explorer's of the New World
Balboa & Ponce de Leon
Magellan Video
Tools of Travel

The Ballad of Magellan 
Longitude and Latitude Rap 
Walk the Plank Game

Explorer's Scavenger Hunt

October 10-14
What is going on this week?

       It's hard to believe that we are beginning the second nine weeks today!  Time is flying by.  I hope you were all able to enjoy the long weekend with your family. Please check below to see what is going on in our classroom this week.  Be sure to also check the post on the home page and the agenda tab from more important information for your classes.  Let's have a wonderful week! :) 

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be exploring division of numbers by two digit divisors.  We will estimate and use the partial quotients strategy.  We will examine division and multiplication as inverse operations and also how division is related to subtraction.

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, Oct. 12- CR #7 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday, Oct. 13-  CR #7 Wednesday boxes due
Friday, Oct. 14- Division page due
Monday, Oct. 17- IXL Contract #6 due

CR #7                                                          CR #7b
IXL Contract #6                                       IXL Contract 7b

Social Studies:
This week, we will be exploring the Columbian exchange and its lasting impact on our world. We will also be completing our European Explorer projects.  

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, October 14th- European Explorers Project due at the end of class (follow rubric carefully!)


QUOTE:  "God gives every bird its food, but He doesn't throw it into its nest." 
~ Josiah Gilbert Holland

Let's have a wonderful week!  Remember, positive attitudes and let's WORK HARD!
~Mrs. K.

Click HERE to take your social studies test.  Do your very best! 

October 3-7
What is going on this week?

       I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and the beautiful weather!  This is the last week of the first nine weeks, so make sure you finish STRONG! I believe in you! :)

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be reviewing the following standards:  We will also continue to review order of operations, do problem solving with the bar model, and do daily math boxes.  

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, Oct. 3- Unit 1 Study Guide due
Friday, Oct. 7-  Unit 1 Test
*No Cumulative Review (CR) or IXL this week.

Unit 1 Study Guide
Unit 1 Study Guide Answers

Social Studies:
This week, we will be reviewing the European explorers, create a compass diagram, and work on our Explorer projects.

Upcoming Dates
Thursday, Oct. 6th- Explorers Test
Friday, Oct. 7th- Explorers Project Due


Last Week's Table Winners...
Kaylor- Table 4
Wilkes- Table 4
Ponder- Table 1
Great job, guys! Come see me for your prize! :)

Let's have a WONDERFUL week!  I love you all!
~Mrs. K.
September 26-30
What is happening this week?
       I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  We had a great time at Camp McDowell, and we missed those who could not  go with us.  We are  glad to be back, though, and start another amazing week of LEARNING! :)  Here is what we have going on this week.

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be learning how to solve multiplication problems using the traditional algorithm.  We will compare it  to the partial products methods (both using an area model and using a short cut strategy).  We will be estimating our products first as we continue to remind ourselves that "Math makes sense!" :)   We will also continue to review order of operations, do problem solving with the bar model, and do daily math boxes.  

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, Sept. 27- CR #6 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, Sept. 28- CR #6 Tuesday boxes due
Friday, Sept. 16-  Multiplication page due (will receive in class Thursday); CR Quiz #3 (study CR practice #5 and #6 as well as Week 5 & 6 morning math boxes to prepare)
Monday, Oct. 3- IXL Contract #5 due 

CR #6b

Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
We are continuing our Explorer's unit.  This week we will discuss the voyages of Ferdinand Magellan, Henry Hudson, Amerigo Vespucci, Ponce de Leon, and Hernando de Soto.  We will discuss the reason for their voyages, whether or not they were successful, and track their routes on a map.

Upcoming Dates
Explorer Packet due Friday, October 7th 
Explorer Test Friday, October 7th 

Last Week's Table Winners:

Kaylor: Tables 4 and 5
Ponder: Table 4
Wilkes: Table 4

Come see me for your prizes!  Let's have another great week!

I love you all,
Mrs. K.

September 12-16
What is happening this week?

       Happy Monday! :)  I am excited to begin another week with you all!!  Please read below to see what we will be studying this week along with important due dates. *Remember, don't settle for good; strive for GREAT!!!

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be learning about the order of operations!  We will listen to a fun rap, a song, and do lots of practice!  We will also continue to review powers of 10, do problem solving with the bar model, and do daily math boxes.  

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, Sept. 13- CR Quiz #2; CR #5 Monday boxes due
Wednesday, Sept. 14- CR #5 Tuesday boxes due
Friday, Sept. 16-  Multiplication page due
Monday, Sept. 19- IXL Contract #4 due 

IXL Contract #4

Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
We will continue our Explorers of a New World Unit.  Students will determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and Native Americans.  Students will identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their countries of origin.  Students will trace the the development and impact of the Columbian Exchange.

Discovery Ed Explorers
Navigation Tools

Table Winners from last Week: Table 2! Congrats! Come see me for your prize. :)

Let's have a fabulous week! :)

Love, Mrs. K.

Social Studies September 9- click HERE

September 6-9
What is happening this week?

What We Are Studying...
This week, we will begin our unit on multiplication.  We will use models and create story problems.  It is SO important that students be fluent with their multiplication facts through 9...please remind your child to study these often. :)  We will also be reviewing Powers of 10. We will continue problem solving, cumulative review, and daily math boxes.
We are learning how to persevere in solving problems and how to clearly explain our thinking to other.

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, Sept. 7- CR #4 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday, Sept. 8- CR #4 Wednesday boxes due
Friday, Sept. 9- CR Quiz #2 and Multiplication page (page 37) due
Monday, Sept. 12- IXL Contract #3 due (only 3 skills this week)


Social Studies:
What We Are Studying...
We will begin our Explorers of a New World Unit.  Students will determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and Native Americans.  Students will identify significant early European patrons, explorers, and their countries of origin.  Students will trace the the development and impact of the Columbian Exchange.

 **IMPORTANT**  Students will navigate to google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account. You will click ALLOW. From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account. 

Table Winners from last Week: Table 5! Congrats! Come see me for your prize. :)

Let's have a wonderful week! :)

Love, Mrs. K.

"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." ~Mark Van Doren

September 6- Click HERE for retake S.S. test.

September 2- Click HERE to take your test.
Remember to get your written response section when done on Chromebook.

Native American Activities:

August 29- September 2
What is happening this week?
      “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”  

-Mark Van Doren


Another week is off to a great start!  Please check below to see what we are studying as well as due dates and upcoming test dates.  Remember to check the agenda on the home page as well for daily homework in all subjects.  


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be exploring powers of 10.  We will solve problems using powers of 10.  We will also continue looking at patterns in place value and subtracting large numbers.
We will be doing a math workshop on Friday  which will include independent practice, math games, and small group instruction.

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday- CR #3 Monday boxes due   
Wednesday- CR #3 Tuesday boxes due
Friday- Powers of 10 homework page due (will receive in class on Thursday)
Tuesday, 09/06- IXL Contract #2 due


Social Studies
What We Are Studying...

Identify causes and effects of early migration and settlement of North America focusing on the people of the Arctic, People of the Forests, and the Great Plains Native Americans

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, September 2- Test on Native Americans in North America
STUDY GUIDE - use this study guide to prepare for Friday's test!

IMPORTANT: Students will navigate to www.google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account.  You will click ALLOW.  From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account.

Table Winners From Last Week:  Table 1 (Kaylor Homeroom)! :)  Come see me for your prize!

Let's have a fabulous week!  Remember, don't settle for good; strive for GREAT!

Mrs. K.

August 22-26
What is happening this week?

We are on to another week! Please check out what we will be studying this week, homework due dates, and upcoming quiz and test dates.  If you ever lose your homework, remember to click on the links provided to retrieve a copy.  If you don't have access to a printer, you can just copy the problems down onto notebook paper.  Remember, be resourceful! :)


What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be looking at patterns in place value. Ex. How many 10s in 100? in 1000? in 10000? How does this relate to # of zeroes in the number.  We will also be reviewing subtraction of large numbers using a 10,000 chart and the "adding up" strategy.
We will be doing a math workshop on Thursday and Friday which will include math games and small group instruction.

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday- CR #2 Monday boxes due   
Wednesday- CR #2 Tuesday boxes due
Thursday- CR Quiz
Monday, 8/29- IXL Contract #1 due

IXL Contract #1 - to turn in your IXL Contract, you can make a copy and type on it and then share it with me at:  jkaylor@hoover.k12.al.us 

Social Studies
What We Are Studying...
This week, we will be exploring causes and effects of early migration and settlement of North American focusing on the People of the Arctic, People of the Forests, and the Great Plains Native Americans.  

Upcoming Dates:

IMPORTANT: Students will navigate to www.google.discoveryeducation.com and authorize their Google account.  You will click ALLOW.  From there, you will always be logged in to Discovery Education via your school Google account.

Table Winners From Last Week:  Table 3 (Kaylor Homeroom)! :)  Come see me for your prize!

Let's have a wonderful week!
Mrs. K.

Take the mindset quiz HERE!

What is happening this week?

 I am so excited to begin our first full week of the 2016-2017 school year, and I hope you are too!  We will be learning so much this year, working very hard, making friends, and having FUN!  :)

Below is what we will be studying this week along with important dates to remember.  Also check out Mrs. Ponder's and Mrs. Wilkes's pages for information on Science and Language Arts.  The agenda page also lists homework assignments and upcoming test dates,

What We Are Studying:

Math:  This week we will be studying place value and how it relates to multiplication.  We will be using visuals as well as looking for patterns.

Social Studies (Kaylor Homeroom):  This week we will be studying early migration and settlement of North America.  We will learn about the Southwest Native Americans and the people of the Arctic.

Important Dates:
*Check agenda tab on home page for homework due dates
Thursday, August 25th- PTO Meeting/Open House Night beginning at 6:00.  


We will be doing homework stars and table winners beginning next week.  Stay tuned!

I am looking forward to a wonderful year!  Love you all!
~Mrs. K.

Link to Place Value Page- due Friday, August 19
Click HERE to learn more about Mrs. Kaylor!