Monday, August 29, 2016

Newsletter for the week of August 29th-September 2nd

It's been another great week at BGIS!  We continue to focus on "The BGIS Way",  getting all students settled and learning the routines here at Brock's Gap! 

*If you were unable to attend the parent meeting last week, the link to the presentation is HERE
Friendly Reminders :-)
  • PLEASE send by this Friday at least 1 CLEAR 2 Liter bottle (Coke/Pepsi) products preferred) for our upcoming Science Eco-column lab. I need EVERY student to send at least 1 bottle by Friday.  We need a total of @63 clear bottles to make 6-7 Eco-columns per class. Each Eco-column takes 3 bottles. 
  • Students and parents, please remember to check each teacher's individual link above for information on subject content being covered, homework due dates, and test dates.  Homework due dates are very IMPORTANT!  Please encourage your student to complete their homework and turn it in.
  • Camp McDowell commitment forms are due Wednesday, August 31st and includes a $50 deposit toward the trip. 
  • Camp McDowell - We will be going  to Camp McDowell, Wednesday, September 21, Thursday, September 22nd, and return Friday, September 23rd.  Your student should have brought home an information letter about our 3 day (including 2 nights) field trip to Camp McDowell.  Please read the information, complete/return the information on the bottom of the sheet. You may  begin making  payments online at  Here is a link to the Camp McDowell letter  HERE.  We MUST have at least 2 Moms and 2 Dads, per class, in order to attend this field trip.  This is for the safety of your children.  Please let your homeroom teacher know if you interested and available to chaperone this field trip!
  • Magazine Fund Raiser Kickoff  was Thursday, August 25th. Your student should have brought home information on how to participate.  Turn in orders each Wednesday from August 31-September 21
  • BGIS Spirit Night - Pop in for a Pop! Tomorrow night- Tuesday, August 30th, from  4-8 P.M.  Urban Pops (2760 John Hawkins Pkwy)
  • September 16th is our hearing and vision screening day. This screening is for all 5th grade students. If your child wears glasses, please make sure they have them on this day. 
Just FYI...
  • Message from the school nurse:  Due to the increase in the number of flu cases and other illnesses in our schools and community we are asking parents to assist us with the appropriate time for your child to return to school. Please review the following guidelines:  Fever: Your child should stay home if he/she has a fever of 100 degrees (orally) or more and should remain home for 24 hours after the fever has gone---without the assistance of Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc. Vomiting or Diarrhea: Your child should stay home if he/she has vomited or has diarrhea (more than 1 loose stool) within 2 hours prior to the start of school. They must have eaten and tolerated at least 1 normal meal before returning to school.  Strep Throat: If you child has been diagnosed as having strep throat (this requires a special test by your doctor), your child should stay home 24 hours after antibiotic therapy has been started. Our goal is to keep the entire school population as healthy as possible.
  • Girls on the Run Registration is going on now! This is a great opportunity for girls who are in 5th grade and would like to connect with others while they learn about self respect, confidence, and making healthy decisions. This is a 10 week program and the GOTR club will meet twice a week after school at Brock's Gap Intermediate. We are proposing Tuesday andThursday as our meeting days until 4:45pm. During this program, we also train for the Magic City 5k which will be held in November. Practice begins the week of September 12th and ends the week of November 28th. For more information, please click the link below and don't miss this amazing chance to make friends and have a voice in a small group with coaches who are here to encourage, support, and listen! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at WE look forward to a great year!! Your Girls on the Run Coaches: Christie Willis, Donna McCombs, Janet Cain, Adriana Walker

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