Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Newsletter April 17-21

General Announcements
  • Testing is OVER for our 5th graders!  We are so proud of their hard work!  This week, the 6th grade at Brock’s Gap will do their standardized testing, but it will not affect our academic schedule.  Thank you for the snacks and drinks that were sent in!  The students so enjoyed them!
  • Our rising 6th grade band instrument testing days are Wednesday, May 17 and Wednesday, May 24.  Both sessions will be held in the cafeteria and lobby at Brock's Gap from 4PM-7PM.  In order to participate in band during 2017-18 school year, your student must attend one of these sessions.  If you have any questions, please email jlynch@hoover.k12.al.us before May 24th.
  • 5th grade class pictures will be available for purchase through Friday May 12, 2017! $10 cash or check or online via myschoolfees.com.  We have a copy of the picture in our classroom.
  • We hope you will put Thursday, May 4th on your calendar!  This is Fine Arts Night at Brock’s Gap.  More information will be coming home soon!
  • Yellow Course Selection Sheets for next year (YAY!  Our students get to stay at Brock’s Gap!) came home with your student YESTERDAY.  We need these returned to school by Monday, April 24th.  We will review these in depth with the students.
  • Orange Maturation Sheets came home YESTERDAY as well. Please read this and return as soon as possible. A parent viewing of the video will be held this Thursday, April 20th in the cafeteria.
  • Please check each teacher's individual page for curriculum updates and test and homework due dates.

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