Monday, February 13, 2017

Week of February 13-17

💞    February 13-17   ðŸ’ž

     We hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  We are excited for another week of learning and growing with your children.  Please read all the announcements below, and don't forget to check the agenda tab along with each teacher's personal page to see important curriculum information as well as upcoming due dates and test dates.  Thank you so much for all of your support!

General Announcements:
  • Thank you to all who were able to make it out for our Parent Academy last Tuesday.  We enjoyed being able to share with you some of the wonderful things we have going on here at Brock's Gap!
  • CONGRATULATIONS to the Explorers (fifth and sixth grades) for winning the spirit stick for the third year in a row at the Reading Rally on Friday!  Explorers ROCK!
  • Reading Madness has begun at Brock's Gap!  There are six wonderful books for you to read, so get busy and READ, READ, READ!
  • Tomorrow, February 14th, each homeroom will be doing a small snack and Valentine card exchange at the end of the day.  If your child would like to participate, they should bring a card for each child in their homeroom class.  
  • There will be no school next Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day.
  • We will be having Brock's Gap Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A at the Grove location next Tuesday and Thursday nights.  Please choose a night to go out and support our school through Planet Fundraiser!  
  • This month, BGIS is participating in the National Salute to Veteran's Toiletry Drive. We will be collecting toiletry items to give to the patients at the VA hospital here in Birmingham.  Please send in items with your child.
  • If a student is confirmed to have the flu by a doctor to please have a parent call Nurse Tyra Walker at 439-1630.  She has to track the numbers. 
Displaying FINAL DRAFT JPG.jpgMarch 7, 2017 Renewal Vote

March 7 is an important day for Hoover City Schools!  Polls will be open for voters in the Jefferson County sections of Hoover to decide whether to renew three existing property taxes that have supported our students and schools here in Hoover for decades.
Renewing this existing financial support for the school system will help ensure that our schools remain strong for decades to come.  These existing revenue streams generate critical financial support for Hoover City Schools each year.  Among other benefits, this support helps keep our class sizes low, maintains safe and clean facilities and funds a wide-range of academic, athletic and extracurricular offerings.
To reiterate, this vote is about maintaining what we already have; NOT a vote for new taxes!
We hope you will renew your support for Hoover City Schools on March 7, 2017!
See polling locations, sample ballots and more at this link:

"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

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