Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Newsletter Week of May 15-19

  • We are nearing the end of the 4th 9 weeks.  Please encourage your student to finish strong!
  • Wednesday, May 24h Explorers Hall End of the Year Celebration!
  • Wednesday, May 24th 4th Nine Weeks Report Cards go home!

  • Thursday, May 25th early dismissal 12:45 - sack lunches.

  • Friday, May 26th, early dismissal 11:00 - sack lunch option.

  • Our rising 6th grade band instrument testing days are Wednesday, May 17th and Wednesday, May 24th.  Both sessions will be held in the cafeteria and the lobby at Brock's Gap from 4-7 PM.  In order to participate in band the 2017-2018 school year, your student must attend one of these sessions.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. Lynch at  before May 24th. 
  • Health Room End of the School Year Procedure: Attention Parents/Guardian: Many tasks must be completed before we can begin our summer break. One of those tasks is addressing medications in the Health Room. Medications are NOT held in the Health Room from one school year to the next. Students are not allowed to carry their own medications as policy states by the State Department of Education. Therefore, an adult will need to pick up your child’s medication by noon on May 26. Any medication that is left in the Health Room will be discarded after noon on May 26.  Remember, a new medication authorization form will be required for all medication at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year. This authorization must be signed by both the physician and the parent/guardian. Authorization forms are available in the Health Room for pick up at any time or on the Hoover City Schools website School Health link. No medications can be given at school without this completed form. 
  • As always, please check each teacher's individual page to see curriculum updates and other important information such as due dates and test dates. Also, please read the BGIS ENews for important information!

  • Have a wonderful week!

Monday, May 8, 2017

General Announcements for May 8th-12th

Image result for may clipart
Image result for may clipart
  •  This Friday, 7:00-8:00 A.M. Sign up to attend Muffins with Mom at this Link 
  • 5th grade class pictures will be available for purchase through Friday, May 12th. Please send $10 cash or check or pay online via  We have a copy of the picture in our classroom for the students to see.
  • Tuesday- Tomorrow night is Spirit Night at The Whole Scoop - May 9th- from 3-8 pm.  This is our last Spirit night of the year, so please come out if you can!  Thank you so much for all of your support with our fundraisers this year!
  • Our rising 6th grade band instrument testing days are Wednesday, May 17th and Wednesday, May 24th.  Both sessions will be held in the cafeteria and the lobby at Brock's Gap from 4-7 PM.  In order to participate in band the 2017-2018 school year, your student must attend one of these sessions.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. Lynch at  before May 24th. 
  • Health Room End of the School Year Procedure: Attention Parents/Guardian: Many tasks must be completed before we can begin our summer break. One of those tasks is addressing medications in the Health Room. Medications are NOT held in the Health Room from one school year to the next. Students are not allowed to carry their own medications as policy states by the State Department of Education. Therefore, an adult will need to pick up your child’s medication by noon on May 26. Any medication that is left in the Health Room will be discarded after noon on May 26.  Remember, a new medication authorization form will be required for all medication at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year. This authorization must be signed by both the physician and the parent/guardian. Authorization forms are available in the Health Room for pick up at any time or on the Hoover City Schools website School Health link. No medications can be given at school without this completed form. 
  • As always, please check each teacher's individual page to see curriculum updates and other important information such as due dates and test dates. Also, please read the BGIS ENews for important information!
  • Have a wonderful week!
"It's not how you start; it's how you finish!"

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Newsletter May 1-6

  • This Thursday, May 4th is our BGIS Fine Arts Night!  6:00 -7:00 P.M. 
  • Muffins with Mom, Next Friday, 7:00-8:00 A.M. Sign up to attend Muffins with Mom at this Link 
  • Spirit Night at The Whole Scoop- May 9 from 3-8 pm.  This is our last one for the year, so please come out if you can!  Thank you so much for all of your support with our fundraisers this year!
  • 5th grade class pictures will be available for purchase through Friday, May 12th. Please send $10 cash or check or pay online via  We have a copy of the picture in our classroom for the students to see.

  • Our rising 6th grade band instrument testing days are Wednesday, May 17th and Wednesday, May 24th.  Both sessions will be held in the cafeteria and the lobby at Brock's Gap from 4-7 PM.  In order to participate in band the 2017-2018 school year, your student must attend one of these sessions.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. Lynch at  before May 24th. 
  • Health Room End of the School Year Procedure: Attention Parents/Guardian: Many tasks must be completed before we can begin our summer break. One of those tasks is addressing medications in the Health Room. Medications are NOT held in the Health Room from one school year to the next. Students are not allowed to carry their own medications as policy states by the State Department of Education. Therefore, an adult will need to pick up your child’s medication by noon on May 26. Any medication that is left in the Health Room will be discarded after noon on May 26.  Remember, a new medication authorization form will be required for all medication at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year. This authorization must be signed by both the physician and the parent/guardian. Authorization forms are available in the Health Room for pick up at any time or on the Hoover City Schools website School Health link. No medications can be given at school without this completed form. 

  • Have a wonderful week!
"It's not how you start; it's how you finish!"

Monday, April 24, 2017

Newsletter April 24-28

General Announcements

  • This year Hoover High School is proud to join with Spain Park in hosting our very own Hoover City Relay for Life event on April 28th from 4-10 pm at Spain Park’s Football Stadium! The Relay for Life club at Hoover has been planning year round to make this event great! We work with the American Cancer Society to raise awareness and celebrate the lives of those who fought and won their battle against cancer. The event will have many tents and teams set up for a very fun night to help raise cancer awareness and fund research for a cure. The event will contain music, activities, and so much more. We hope that everyone can come out and support us as we help raise money for a cure.
  • Helpers are needed Saturday, April 29 at 1:00pm to help build and spruce up our BGIS garden. We need helpers with power tools to help put together garden beds for our Katie's Krops Program. Katie's Krops gardens donate thousands and thousands of pounds of fresh produce to people in need.  Their mission is to inspire young people to maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need. Please join us Saturday, and bring your wheelbarrows to help move soil/mulch, power tools to build garden beds, and some muscle to help weed.  Sponsored by The Green Team
  • Progress reports were sent home last Friday.  Please sign and return them as soon as possible.  Also, continue to check iNOW each week to see your child's progress.
  • Please remember that the course selection sheets (yellow forms) are due this Wednesday, April 26th.
  • Orange maturation unit permission forms are due TOMORROW.  
  • This Friday, April 28th, students are being asked to wear purple in honor of Veteran's family month.
  • Our rising 6th grade band instrument testing days are Wednesday, May 17th and Wednesday, May 24th.  Both sessions will be held in the cafeteria and the lobby at Brock's Gap from 4-7 PM.  In order to participate in band the 2017-2018 school year, your student must attend one of these sessions.  If you have any questions, please e-mail Mr. Lynch at  before May 24th. 
  • 5th grade class pictures will be available for purchase through Friday, May 12th. Please send $10 cash or check or pay online via  We have a copy of the picture in our classroom for the students to see.
  • Next Thursday, May 4th, is our BGIS Fine Arts Night!  More information will coming home soon.  We hope to see you there!
  • As always, please check each teacher's individual page to see curriculum updates and other important information such as due dates and test dates.
  • Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Newsletter April 17-21

General Announcements
  • Testing is OVER for our 5th graders!  We are so proud of their hard work!  This week, the 6th grade at Brock’s Gap will do their standardized testing, but it will not affect our academic schedule.  Thank you for the snacks and drinks that were sent in!  The students so enjoyed them!
  • Our rising 6th grade band instrument testing days are Wednesday, May 17 and Wednesday, May 24.  Both sessions will be held in the cafeteria and lobby at Brock's Gap from 4PM-7PM.  In order to participate in band during 2017-18 school year, your student must attend one of these sessions.  If you have any questions, please email before May 24th.
  • 5th grade class pictures will be available for purchase through Friday May 12, 2017! $10 cash or check or online via  We have a copy of the picture in our classroom.
  • We hope you will put Thursday, May 4th on your calendar!  This is Fine Arts Night at Brock’s Gap.  More information will be coming home soon!
  • Yellow Course Selection Sheets for next year (YAY!  Our students get to stay at Brock’s Gap!) came home with your student YESTERDAY.  We need these returned to school by Monday, April 24th.  We will review these in depth with the students.
  • Orange Maturation Sheets came home YESTERDAY as well. Please read this and return as soon as possible. A parent viewing of the video will be held this Thursday, April 20th in the cafeteria.
  • Please check each teacher's individual page for curriculum updates and test and homework due dates.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Newsletter Week of April 3-7

Hope you all have had a wonderful Spring Break!  There are only 8 more weeks of school...we need to finish strong!


Students will need to begin bringing and leaving their chromebooks and chargers at school this week before ACT ASPIRE testing the week of April 10th.
ALL chromebooks MUST be at school no later than Wednesday, April 5!!  
If your child's chromebook is not functioning properly, is lost, or you are missing a charger, please contact the school ASAP! It's very important that your child is prepared for this very important test the week of April 10th.  


  • Monday, April 10 ACT Aspire Reading - 65 minutes 
  • Tuesday, April 11 ACT Aspire Math - 65 minutes 
  • Wednesday, April 12 ACT Aspire English - 40 minutes 
  • Thursday, April 13 ACT Aspire Science - 60 minutes
Please encourage students to leave all electronic devices and smart watches including fitbits at home or turned off inside their lockers. If their phones go off inside their lockers, disciplinary actions will be taken. If phones are used during the test or out, disciplinary actions will be taken and their tests are invalidated if used. So please encourage your child to adhere to these policies. We will begin at 8:30 each morning so please have your child at school before 8:00 a.m. If at all possible, please schedule all appointments in the afternoon or another week. Encourage your child to do their best and get a good night’s rest with a healthy breakfast each morning.


Join your BGIS friends at Zaxby's on Tuesday, April 4th from 4-8pm.  10% of  profits will benefit BGIS!


Proofs and orders are due back by Friday, April 7th


If your student is finished with their recorder book, please have them bring it to Mrs. Vines ASAP.

NEXT FRIDAY, April 14th  is a school holiday! (No school for students!)